My life lately: here's the short of it...
last weekend went to NY city, met Dave and Mini there, saw lots of fun stuff, namely Elmo at a 6th Avenue Street fair. Ate Chicken on a stick, thought for sure I'd be sick, was pleasantly surprised not to be.
This weekend Zach Malin married his longtime sweetheart Jessica. It was a purty wedding in Grand Haven, on lake Mich. Weddings are cool and all, but there is something completely exhaustive about constantly eating and making quiet chitchat. It's almost as bad as shopping with Christy.
Also, The Office starts this week, so, ya know, we should all blog about that too... where would I be without my Dunder Mifflin shirt?
Hey Gary,
What's new? We wait with baited breath...
Yo! A train, what's cookin'? Update!
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