Thursday, May 18, 2006

Witness this, Lebron!

I want to introduce to everyone the Black Balla. I happened across the Balla a couple of months ago, and picked it up at a phat discount. I'm sure the guy I bought it from is regretting he ever sold it because it's a crazy tricked out machine! Let me tell you a little about it.

The Balla is really a 1985 Dodge Ram Royale 250 SE (3/4 ton). Under the hood it has a 150 untamed stallions with a 5.2 liter V8. It has a full 8 foot bed, and a practiacally new Delta tool box complete with a key lock to keep fools from stealing my product. The cab consists of a customized gun storage area behind the seat where I can keep plenty of rifles and ammo, and a radio that works in both FM and AM. The seat cover is a blanket with some colorful (but not immasculine) pheasant images. There are two switches in the front, one for heat, and one for some killa fog lights! Some other pimp features are cruise control (although I've never used it), windshield wipers, two sun visors, and an automatic transmission.

You may ask, "does the Balla even run???'"

My answer...

"The Balla sprints. It roars down the road!"

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